®FIELD-READYAt Z Microsystems, our promise is that of the mission commander: to deliver eld-ready computing solutions to harsh-world applications.Wit
®FIELD-READYMULTIMEDIA CAPTURING, EDITING AND PUBLISHING APPLICATIONZViDEO - Intelligently Capture And Manage Video AssetsBecause our customers must s
®FIELD-READYODEPARTMENTUFTHEARMYNITEDSTATESOFAMERICAZ Microsystems is the leading provider of “eld-ready“ computing solutions for critical defen
RACK MOUNTABLE RUGGED VISION SYSTEMSOrion 15 PtThe rugged panel mount Orion 15 Pt is available with an optional touch screen. Specically designed fo
STOWABLE VISION SYSTEMSCommand Console 19With 1280 x 1024 resolution and the option for two adittional PIP insert cards, the Command Console 19 is 2U
®FIELD-READYDesigned specically for Naval Surface Combatant applications on the CG-47 and DDG-51 Class Ships, the ZATX is a high-speed compu
®FIELD-READY• Maximum FlexibilityEach Sealed Computer Module (SCM) has two independent internal USB busses that are assignable to any of the fo
FIELD-READY DEPLOYABLE RUGGED STORAGE SYSTEMSA family of rugged low-prole, platform-independent network storage solutions that are specically design
®FIELD-READYExpanded Mobile C4ISR Station This Field-Ready C4ISR Server delivers a four server conguration in a single Z MPU chassis. The Z MPU pro
®FIELD-READYExpander IIFor the progressive user, the Expander II desk is a practical and elegant solution for a solid traveling desk and storage syste
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