Technical DataLeica TL3000 ST Leica TL4000 BFDF Leica TL4000 RC™/RCI™Leica TL5000 Ergo
1043034014410420735625811108510635138 ø58ø76119116324 24 330546643034035685106119116324 24 330546643034035685106119116324 24 3305466430340356851
11340 4309515415410621500290420606370340 39095370154154 154292217106 431537340 39095370154154 154292217106 431537340 39095370154154 15
1237029221715415434095390420116 431547497292217187154max. 370X = +/-75 mm37095300249Y = +-50 mm116 431547497292217187154max. 370X = +/-75 mm3709530024
13385154340 39044095 min. 291max.451154116431547370300Y = +-50 mm187154max. 41095 min. 291max. 451116 631747X = +/-75 mm370300Y = +-50 mm187154max
14346 4124634670154 15429221743153770154 15470431547292346 4124634670346 4124634670154 15429221743153770346 4124634670154 154292217431
1515415421500290420606467034670346 412144104467034670346 412207258111035138 15415415415421500290420606467034670346 41215415421500290420606
www.leica-microsystems.com10IDA20020EN • © Leica Microsystems (Switzerland) Ltd • CH-9435 Heerbrugg, 2011 • Printed in Switzerland – XI.2011 – RDV – I
2Leica TL ST3000 transmitted light baseLeica TL4000 BFDF transmitted light baseIllumination source Halogen lamp 12V/20W with the effective power of co
3LEICA TL BASESLeica TL4000 RC transmitted light baseLeica TL4000 RCI transmitted light baseLeica TL5000 Ergo transmitted light baseIllumination using
4Designation 4×/Universal stage Adapter for 160×110 mm accessoriesAdapter for 120 mm stagesLeica MATS TL with control unitArticle number 10 447 392 10
5LEICA TL BASESIsoPro™ xy stage Standard stage Micromanipulation adapterIsoPro™ adapter, ∅ 120 mm10 450 127 / 10 450 218 10 450 562 11 101 784 10 450
6Designation Green filter for TL5000 ErgoGliding stage, ∅ 120 mmDaylight filter Filters for TL RC™/ RCI™Article number 10 450 564 10 446 301 10 447 400
7LEICA TL BASESFilters for TL RC™/ TL RCI™Filters for TL RC™/ TL RCI™Foot switch10 447 394 10 447 395 10 447 398UV filter; The TL RC™ and TL RCI™ tran
810 447 05710 447 27510 447 27610 447 39110 447 39210 446 303 10 446 301 10 446 302 10 446 22810 450 12210 450 218 10 450 127 10 450 56210 450 04910 4
9LEICA TL BASESINCIDENT LIGHT BASES10 446 340 Transmitted light base for S series10 446 341 Sub-base for transmitted light for S series incident light
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