Glider 21FIELD-READYUser ManualZ Microsystems
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.010INSTALLATIONFINAL ADJUSTMENTSSlide the Glider partiallyout.Use a flathead screw-driver to slightly movethe Z-Lo
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.011INSTALLATIONWARNING: Be sure allelectrical power tothe cabinet is offbefore connectingany of the cables.WARNING
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.012SETUPVERY IMPORTANTHold the top of thedisplay in the verticalposition while rotatingthe latch clockwise tothe l
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.013SETUPThe display can berotated clockwise toangled positions.The display can also bemoved into the horizon-tal p
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.014PROTECTOR REMOVALThe Protective Outer Shield (optional equipment) is intended to protect thesurface of the scre
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.015OPERATIONSCABLE CONNECTIONSTURN ON POWERNOTE: Connecting to non-standard systems willrequire an adapter.To obt
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.016OPERATIONSDISPLAY PANEL CONTROLSThe controller features push-button controls on the lower front of the displays
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.017OPERATIONSThe three LED lights on the right of the control panel are labeled A, B and C. Theirlighted functions
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.018OPERATIONSTo access the onscreen display main menu, press the menu button on the frontof the panel. All Glider
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.019OPERATIONSThis submenu is used toadjust the positioning ofthe image pixels withinthe screen. Use the Leftand Ri
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.02FCC INFORMATION1. Use the power andvideo cablessupplied with theGlider to help preventinterference withradio and
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.020OPERATIONSMain Screen InformationUse the Up and Down buttons to highlight the “Information” option. Press the“M
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.021DISPLAY HEAD REMOVALTo remove the Glider display head, follow these steps:On the back of thedisplay, press them
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.022MAINTENANCECLEAN MONITOR• Gently wipe the covers and thescreen with a soft cloth.• Remove finger marks and gr
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.023DISPLAY STOWAGECLOSE GLIDERThe following describes closing and stowage of the Glider in the cabinet.Pull the Gl
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.024DISPLAY STOWAGELower the pivot latch intoits recepticle.CLOSE GLIDERSlide the Glider into theframe until the Z
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.025TROUBLESHOOTINGNO IMAGE ON MAIN DISPLAYIf there is no image on the main screen, a signal will appear on the scr
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.026SPECIFICATIONSSPECIFICATIONSDisplay size 21.3 Inch (432.0 mm x 324.0 mm)Pixels 1600 x 1200Colors 16.7 MillionCo
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.027APPENDIXNOTE: If possible, stay bythe computer. The ZMicrosystems Techni-cal Support Represen-tative may wish
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.028APPENDIXIf the Z Microsystems TechnicalSupport Engineer determines that theproduct needs to be replaced, aCusto
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.03TABLE OF CONTENTSSTARTING POINT 4Shipment Contents 4About User Manual 4System Requirements 4Features 4Product De
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.030APPENDIX
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.031APPENDIX
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.032APPENDIX
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.033APPENDIX
Z Microsystems, Inc.5945 Pacific Center Blvd., Suite 505San Diego, CA 92121Phone: (858) 657-1000Fax; (858) 657-1001Website: www.zmicro.comCopyright
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.04STARTING POINTThe User Manual comes in twoformats: printed hardcopy or CD-ROM. This Manual is also available on
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.05STARTING POINTPRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe LCD displaycan quickly swingup into a readingposition.The Glider is anadvan
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.06STARTING POINTTOOLS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATIONPRECAUTIONS Required Tools and Equipment:• Flathead screwdriver wi
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.07INSTALLATIONSLIDE REMOVALWith the Glider laid on aworkbench, press downto release the Z-Lockson each side of the
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.08INSTALLATIONAt the back of thecabinest frame, tightenthe slide mounts to thecabinet frame.Make sure to hold thes
Doc# 27-0017UM Issued 08/03 Rev 1.09INSTALLATIONINSTALL THE GLIDER IN CABINET FRAMEThe Glider slides shouldmove in and out easily.If not, check ali
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